
Thursday, August 26, 2010

You'll Never Blue Ball in this Town Again

I am reading this hysterical book by Heather McDonald called "You'll Never Blue Ball in this Town Again." It is about her being a 27 year old virgin and how she acted like a slut but never put out. It is basically hilarious and an easy read. She is usually on Chelsea Lately and her book is equally funny to one of Chelsea Handler's best sellers. I have read the first quarter of it so far and I laugh myself to sleep. She talks about her adventures being in a sorority and dating older guys and working for her parents. And if you need another reason to check it out the Kardashians recommend it and everyone takes their opinion seriously, right? haha! I do!


*Jennifer* said...

I've been looking for a good book to read... I love her on the chelsea lately show. I might be picking this up. thanks for the info!

Mademoiselle Deva said...

I must read it then! Couple of days ago I read why men marry bitches! a very good one, but more psychologist than for fun, but what's important she says it clear what we women do wrong with men! scary but very true!!!

Tiffany said...

I was wondering how her book was - I think she is hilarious! Thanks for sharing!

Chas said...

Sounds like a good light read!

Unknown said...

Sounds like a fun book, will have to check it out...thanks!